Effect of Carrot Extract on Biochemical and Histopathological Profiles in local Male Rabbits Treated with Food Dye Tartrazine

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Mohammed Abed Mahmood


Carrots are an important food and are rich in carotenoids and vitamin A, which is considered one of the most important antioxidants, it resists the formation of free radicals in various organs and tissues of the body. The purpose of the now study is to determine the effect of food dye (tartrazine) on biochemical parameters and histopathological changes in the liver and to know the effect of carrots extract on previous mentioned parameters. 18 local male rabbits were divided into three groups: each group included six rabbits. The first group (control group) was given distilled water daily for 30 days. The 2nd group was given the colored food dye tartrazine at a dose 1g/ kg of body weight for 30 days. The 3rd group given carrot extract orally, after three hours, the tartrazine dye was also given for 30 days. The biochemical result reveled elevated of liver enzyme (AST, ALP and ALT) in tartrazine group while the value of these enzymes in third group resemble to control group. Histopathological changes: In control group, the liver showed normal tissue architectures. Second tartrazine group showed liver with inflammatory cells and congestion as well as multiple vacuoles and necrosis. Third group (carrot &tartrazine group) showed very slightly hepatocytic degeneration and absent of other changes like necrosis and yellow pigments which present in second group. The biochemical and histopathological results showed dangerous effect of tartrazine and in same time the beneficials effect of carrot as antioxidant in diminish the toxic liver injury by tartrazine.

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How to Cite
Mahmood, M. A. . (2024). Effect of Carrot Extract on Biochemical and Histopathological Profiles in local Male Rabbits Treated with Food Dye Tartrazine. Diyala Journal for Veterinary Sciences, 2(2), 39–47. Retrieved from https://djvs.uodiyala.edu.iq/index.php/djvs/article/view/174