Bacteriological and molecular identification Of Pseudomonas Isolat-ed From Sheep In Baqubah Province

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Shaymaa Jabbar Hassoon
Osama Ghazi Jalil
Hiba Ibrahim Ali
Wasan Saher Hassan
Eqbal Salman Najem


Background: Pseudomonas cause a wide range of infections in animals.
Aims: Detection of P. aeruginosa from wounds cases of sheep by culture tech-nique and PCR
Methods :forty wound swabs from sheep were collected and cultured on blood and MacConkey, pseudomonas agar . PASS primers used for (PCR) based iden-tification
Results :
A total of 3/40 (7.5%), wound swabs were identified as P. aeruginosa after full morphological and biochemical tests and by PCR using the PASS primers for species level . The results pointed out that all 3 selected isolates gave positive re-sults, and the gene size was ≈ 950 bp.
Conclusion: the PCR approach aids the rapid detection of pseudomonas to re-duce financial loss. remarkable, and they were fast and accurate. 


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How to Cite
Hassoon, S. J. ., Jalil, O. G., Ali, H. I. ., Hassan, W. S. ., & Najem, E. S. . (2023). Bacteriological and molecular identification Of Pseudomonas Isolat-ed From Sheep In Baqubah Province. Diyala Journal for Veterinary Sciences, 1(4), 15–28.