Detection of locally produced cheese with bacterial contaminants in Diyala province

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Ali Shareef Hasan


Food plays a vital role in our life, contamination of foodstuff is an important issue that affects millions of persons every year across the world. Bacterial contamination of foodstuff is affecting developed as well as undeveloped nations. This occurs when food is contaminated with disease-causing bacteria, viruses, parasites, or chemicals that can cause illness or even death. To investigate Klebsiella contamination of Cheese, Forty samples of local cheese were collected randomly from Diyala Governorate. All samples were cultured to obtain fermenting bacteria on MacConkey agar, and some of biochemical tests urease, motility, oxidase, indole, citrate and catalase test carried out to identify and confirm biochemical properties of bacterium. Next, a sensitivity test has been done for all samples using antibiotic disk to detect their susceptibility.
The result exposed that the positive percentage of isolate was 10 % gained from soft cheese in this study. The highest level of Antimicrobial activity was (19.66 mm) for Gentamycin, (17.33 mm) for Amikacin, whereas all isolates exhibited resistance against other antibiotics.

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How to Cite
Hasan, A. S. . (2024). Detection of locally produced cheese with bacterial contaminants in Diyala province. Diyala Journal for Veterinary Sciences, 2(2), 134–141. Retrieved from