General Biology of Sand Fly: A review

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Suha Tarik Al-Biatee
Shaimaa Ahmed Majeed
Haider Mohammed Ali sadiq AL-Rubaie


The sand fly is an insect that transmits many pathogens. Vector-borne diseases cause a public health problem worldwide. Arthropods that feed on blood transmit a wide range of animal and human diseases that act as transmit of many parasites, such as leishmaniasis. It is a many of diseases caused by different species of Leishmania. The type of nutrition depends on the presence of the host, as sand flies take a blood meal from sources available around them for the purpose of reproduction and producing eggs. Sand flies are affected by climatic factors, including temperature in addition to humidity, on the growth and development of it. Geographical distribution occurs in areas where the flies are found and also in Neighboring areas after environmental and climatic changes provide suitable conditions for their survival.


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How to Cite
Suha Tarik Al-Biatee, Majeed, S. A. ., & AL-Rubaie, H. M. A. sadiq . (2024). General Biology of Sand Fly: A review. Diyala Journal for Veterinary Sciences, 2(2), 48–61. Retrieved from