Real-Time Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Pseudopregnancy in Goats and Treatment with Prostaglandins

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Yaseen Mahmood Rasheed
Mohammad Yousif Mahmood
Salah Noori Mohammed


The current study tries to estimate the prevalence of hydrometra in local goats and to evaluate ultrasonic diagnosis, treatment with Cloprostenol and fertility rate in goats. The study was carried out from March-2021 until April-2022. A total of 86 local goats which presented to the clinic College of Veterinary Medicine, the University of Diyala, for routine ultrasonic diagnosis of pregnancy were examined. Ten local goats,were diagnosed with hydrometra. All animals (n=10) have received (250μg) Cloprostenol. Six of these goats have responded to the treatment with Cloprostenol from the first dose (n = 6, Group I), while other (n = 4, Group II) have responded after the second administration with a one-week interval. The results revealed that the prevalence of hydrometra in local goats was (11.6%,10/86), and the responsive rate for Group I and Group II were (60%,6/10) and (40%,4/10), respectively. While the pregnancy rate was (66.7%,4/6) and (50%,2/4) for Group I and Group II, respectively, with highly significant differences between these two groups at (P≤0.01). In conclusion, it can be concluded that real-time ultrasound approach is a reliable, rapid and useful tool for diagnosis and follow-up of goats affected with hydrometra. Successful treatment of goat with hydrometra and subsequent fertility was achieved using two doses of Cloprostenol one week apart.

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How to Cite
Rasheed, Y. M. ., Mahmood, M. Y. ., & Mohammed, S. N. . (2023). Real-Time Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Pseudopregnancy in Goats and Treatment with Prostaglandins. Diyala Journal for Veterinary Sciences, 1(4), 127–135.