Serological Study for Detection of Rota Virus in Sheep in Baquba City
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Rotavirus (RV) is one of more important viruses of small ruminant are one of the major causes of productivity losses. The study was done to Determine the prevalence of RV in sheep at different regions in Baquba city. This study was designed in order to detect the infection with Rotavirus.
The study was carried out in Diyala province. The objectives of this study included serological detection of rotavirus antigen in feces of sheep clinically presented with diarrhea. This study was extended from October / 2021 to February / 2022. . Serological detection of rotavirus antibodies for sheep is done by using ELISA technique. The age of animals was range from one month up to 6 months. They were collected from different farms and veterinary clinics in Baquba city.
All forty five samples that collected were tested in the laboratory of microbiology in the college of veterinary medicine – university of Diyala. The results were showed that were 16 samples out of the 45 were infected with Rotavirus, while 29 samples out of the 45 samples were negative, this indicates that the infection appeared in the animals of Baquba city due to a lack of vaccination.
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